Angeliki Lazaridou
Adding to knowledge about administration, management, and leadership in schools

Principal interests
How can organizational climate be managed so as to improve a school's effectiveness?
There is much research evidence that school principals contribute to school effectiveness primarily by cultivating organizational climates that support teaching and learning. But little is known about this aspect of effective leadership in Greek schools.
​Example of my work in this area
Lazaridou, A., & Tsolakidis, I. (2011). An exploration of school climate in Cyprus. Cyprus Journal of Sciences 9, 13
How should school principals be trained for their work?
The duties of principals have become more complex. As a result, good principal preparation programs are indispensable. But research must to be done to assess the professional development needs of principals in Greece, and then to craft principal preparation programs that accommodate local concerns while building on lessons learned elsewhere
​Example of my work in this area
Lazaridou, A., & Iordanidis, G. (2011). The principal’s role in achieving school effectiveness. International Studies in Educational Administration, 39(3), 45-70.
What kinds of leadership are needed in contemporary schools?
In schools, reliance on bureaucratic leadership has led to insufficient attention being devoted to the possible benefits of other kinds of leadership - including “dispersed” leadership, in which so-called “followers” take charge of working out how they will deal with the challenges of their work.
Examples of my work in this area
Lazaridou, A., & Fris, J. (2008*). Slipping the yoke of the heroic paradigm: Looking for quantum leadership. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Education, 12(21). *In this journal critical figures were distorted/omitted; the uncorrupted article is available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26656047
Lazaridou, A. (2012). What Greek and Cypriot educators want (and don’t want) in their leaders. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Education, Economy, and Society, Paris, France.
How can equity and social justice be promoted in schools?
Educators need information that will help them develop ways to bring equity and social justice to those who have suffered discrimination and other forms of oppression.
Example of my work in this area
Lyman, L. L., Strachan, J., & Lazaridou, A. (2012). Shaping social justice leadership: Insights of women educators worldwide. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
What are the values that guide educators' actions?
Values are important because they have been linked to organizational effectiveness. Indeed, administration can be understood as the use of power/influence to pursue selected values. But relatively little research has been done on educators’ values and how those values influence what happens in schools.
Example of my work in this area
Lazaridou, A. (2014). The kinds of principals teachers prefer: A cross-nations study. MENON: Journal of Educational Research, Issue 3, 113-129.
Suggestions for research relating
to these topics are always welcome.
Click here to send me a message with your ideas.